染料敏化型太陽能電池專題系列(二) 025 主要文獻中之敏化染料03


21. K8
Type:Ru complex
λmax/nm:at 555
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel

22. K9
Type:Ru complex
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel

23. K19
Type:Ru complex
ε/mol-1・cm-1:18200 AcN/t-BuOH(1/1)
λmax/nm:at 543
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel
Reference:Peng Wang, Cédric Klein, Robin Humphry-Baker, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Graetzel, A High Molar Extinction Coefficient Sensitizer for Stable Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells., Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 127(3), 808-809, 2004

24. K23
Type:Ru complex
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel

25. K27
Type:Ru complex
λmax/nm:at 566
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel

26. K29
Type:Ru complex
λmax/nm:at 575
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel

27. K51
Type:Ru complex
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel
Rremark:8.10% vs 6.73%(Z-907)
Reference:Daibin Kuang, Cedric Klein, Henry J. Snaith, Jacques-E Moser, Robin Humphry-Baker, Pascal Comte, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, and Michael Graetzel, Ion Coordinating Sensitizer for High Efficiency Mesoscopic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Influence of Lithium Ions on the Photovoltaic Performance of Liquid and Solid-State Cells., Nano Letters, Vol. 6(4), 769-773, 2006

28. K60
Type:Ru complex
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel
Reference:D. Kuang, C. Klein, S. Ito, J.-E. Moser, R. Humphry-Baker, S. M. Zakeeruddin, and M. Grätzel, High Molar Extinction Coefficient Ion-Coordinating Ruthenium Sensitizer for Efficient and Stable Mesoscopic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells., Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 17(1), 154-160, 2006

29. K66
Type:Ru complex
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel

30. K69
Type:Ru complex
Laboratory:Michael Graetzel