David Rigby Associate針對防護性紡織品,依照對使用者構成危險的要素分為以下11類:
1. 耐防彈衝擊性(Ballistic and Impact Resistance)
2. 切創及摩擦防護(Cut and Abrasion Protection)
3. 火焰及極端熱度防護(Fire and Extreme Heat)
4. 氣體及化學藥品防護(Gas and Chemical Protection)
5. 核生化防護(NBC: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection)
6. 極寒防護(Extreme Cold Protection)
7. 惡劣氣候衣著(Foul Weather Clothing;簡稱FWC)
8. 制電性、導電性(Anti-static and Conductivity)
9. 電磁波與紫外線遮蔽(Electromagnetic and UV Cut)
10. 危險粉塵防護(Hazardous Dust and Particulate Protection)
11. 高能見度(High Visibility)