2011-中國大陸連鎖加盟現況與台商布局發展商機 2011-07-15 簡報大綱 1.專案背景 2.中國大陸連鎖加盟產業發展現況 3.四大重點連鎖加盟產業發展情況 4.六大重點城市連鎖加盟市場研究 5.台商開拓大陸連鎖加盟市場意見與建議
2011-中國大陸大賣場及超市商機剖析 2011-07-15 簡報大綱 1.研究樣本與覆蓋範圍 2.中國大陸超市行業的現況及特點 3.進口食品在中國大陸超市通路的操作特點 4.進入大陸超市通路之策略建議
2011-中國大陸進口與百貨通路商機探索 2011-07-15 簡報大綱 中國大陸進口政策 進口商分析 進口產品分析 進口最終消費品分析 簡報大綱 中國零售市場現況 中國百貨業現況及特點 台商進入百貨通路市場機會 結論與建議
2010-Novel Synthetic Turf Infill Materials 2011-07-14 Novel Synthetic Turf Infill Materials Richard E. Harper, Georgia Institute of Technology Introduction This st
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2010-Validation of New Permeation Cell Design and Test Procedure for the Measurement of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials 2011-07-14 Validation of New Permeation Cell Design and Test Procedure for the Measurement of Liquids and Gases through Protective
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2010-Applications and Performances of Biobased Geotextiles 2011-07-14 Applications and Performances of Biobased Geotextiles Hechmi Hamouda, North Carolina State University Introducti
2010-Geotextiles and Fibers: Applications in Geotechnical Engineering 2011-07-13 Geotextiles and Fibers: Applications in Geotechnical Engineering Shobha Bhatia, Syracuse University Introductio
2010-Oil Remediation using Shaped Polypropylene Fibers 2011-07-13 Oil Remediation using Shaped Polypropylene Fibers Lisa G. Fuller, Clemson University Introduction Polypropyl
2010-Electrospun Nanofibers for Energy Storage 2011-07-13 Electrospun Nanofibers for Energy Storage Mataz Alcoutlabi, North Carolina State University Introduction Rese
2010-Electrospun Nanofiber Meshes for the Repair of Bone Defects 2011-07-13 Electrospun Nanofiber Meshes for the Repair of Bone Defects Joel D. Boerckel, Georgia Institute of Technology In
2010-The Next Generation of Large Offshore Wind Turbines: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable Materials 2011-07-13 The Next Generation of Large Offshore Wind Turbines: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable Materials Michael J.
2010-Eco-friendly Dyeing Process 2011-07-13 Eco-friendly Dyeing Process Dale A. Raymond, TateCraft LLC Introduction A dye composition of 99.7% pure synth
2010-Protein and Sugars—New Fibers? 2011-07-12 Protein and Sugars—New Fibers? Michael Jaffe, New Jersey Institute of Technology Introduction Soy protein che
2010-Soybeans for Fibers and Films 2011-07-12 Soybeans for Fibers and Films Robina Hogan, United Soybean Board Introduction Biopolymers are polymers produc
2010-Simulation of Particulate Air Filtration using Capillary-channel Polymer Filter Media 2011-07-12 Simulation of Particulate Air Filtration using Capillary-channel Polymer Filter Media Christopher Cox, Clemson Univer
2010-Saving Water and Energy using Ultra Filtration and Reverse Osmosis in a Dye House in Western Nebraska, USA 2011-07-12 Saving Water and Energy using Ultra Filtration and Reverse Osmosis in a Dye House in Western Nebraska, USA Robert Wel