- 聚醚醯亞胺/ 聚酯合膠材料性質之初步探討 Preliminary Study on Melt Spinning of Polyetherimide/ polyesters Alloys
- 高強力聚酯纖維蠕變性質之研究 Research of Creep Properties for High-Strength Polyester Fiber
- STEM 整合教育應用於時尚設計領域之效用 The Effect of STEM Education Application to Fashion Design
- 設計師品牌之選品店通路分析 Select Shop:Distribution channel on designer brand
- 媽寶行為覺知對時尚設計系學生動手做態度與實作課程興趣之相關研究 Helicopter Parenting Relevant to Fashion Design Student's Hands-On Making Attitude and Practice Course Interest
- 時尚設計系所學生實習滿意度、激勵制度與留任意願之研究 The Relationship among Off-campus Internship Satisfaction, Incentive System, and Intent-to-Stay of Fashion Design Students in Taiwan